As most of you know, I have moved all over the country. Whether it be for Docks job, college, or my career I am no stranger to packing up and starting fresh. Moving so often presented a few obstacles while growing up, but it has also offered incredible opportunities.
One of the most recent opportunities (I’m actually currently experiencing) has been traveling (alone) to New York City for the 140 Characters Conference to learn from social media experts how to be even better at my job.
While being here I have heard from Ivanka Trump, Ann Curry, Miss America and several other amazing influences. While they have presented many inspiring ideas, one of the most consistent themes of Day 1, is how twitter has created real relationships for people who may not have ever met.
This speaks volumes to me, because it is more than true in my social media world. Through my personal accounts and those that I manage for clients, I have “met” some incredible people who have helped me in my career, and introduce me to some fab locals in the 410.
Recently, while tweeting something fabulous, I noticed that a fellow tweeter in Baltimore was talking about how he set a goal to make at least one new relationship per week solely through social media. After he tweeted about ABBA, @RyanE1984 wrote: “I've been trying to make 1 new friend, contact, work associate a week for 5 weeks now. Amazed how this has expanded my work/personal life”.
I was really impressed by this, and it made me think about just how many friends and followers I have that I have unfortunately not spent a significant amount of time with, but that I learn from every day. (Cough, cough, let's change this tweeters!)
I’m hoping to hang in Baltimore for quite some time, so I’m not worried about moving (again). I am, though, inspired to re-tweet this idea, and expand my personal and professional network.